FlyingSquid, When Rick Berman isn’t reasonable.
Flyberius, The cowards didn’t have the cojones to make new Dax a dude and have Bashir go for it anyway.
be_excellent_to_each_other, Garak might have had something to say about that.
Kolanaki, (edited ) That’s because Bashir was gay for Garak.
Quark could be male Dax’s bf. Maybe male Dax is a greedy capitalist pig, just like Quark and they fall madly in love and fuck on a dabo table.
Transporter_Room_3, Daily reminder: Fuck Rick “That Asshole” Berman
The_Picard_Maneuver, Stories about him are like a neverending supply of rage. I just recently heard about how he intentionally sabotaged Wil Wheaton’s career to avoid having to pay him more.
frezik, Best thing about Voyager was that it kept Berman busy on something else so he could only fuck up DS9 a little bit.
Quasari, They could of made Dax join with Arjin(Geoffrey Blake) and make it like Curzon choosing Jedzi. At least we’d have better context of the character and we wouldn’t have had to spent half of the last season establishing and developing Ezri.
Nacktmull, Way too far T_T
Thorry84, I really like Nicole, but I had a huge crush on Terry when DS9 first aired, so it’s hard to decide.
The_Picard_Maneuver, I didn’t know the story behind it until recently, but the first time I watched DS9, I thought “Wait, are they really trying to get away with replacing this awesome character with a younger, cuter actor?” I assumed it was a desperate bid for ratings.
I thought they both did a great job, but we’d had 6 seasons to get attached to Jadzia!
JoShmoe, That’s a completely different person
GraniteM, New person, same stomach worm.
Kolanaki, Sometimes I wonder if a Trill and a Gou’ld could somehow meet and fall in love.
Steve, Maybe a Tok’Ra
SevenOfWine, Indeed.
TheGrandNagus, I had a massive crush on Nicole De Boer
I mean I still do, now that I think about it
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