Seraph, Sucks it'll take them 5 years of red tape first!
thanevim, Any 5 year bonds they could put the money into? Cause 100k seems like a fair amount, but, well
Kids are expensive.
some_guy, Maybe one child for $100k. If they get two they’ll be stretched thin.
Sir_Kevin, My thoughts exactly! 100K ain’t shit. Certainly not “save the children” money. It’s not even enough to raise one child.
candyman337, I am very suspicious of that tbh
fidodo, Sounds about right, nowadays you need to win the lottery to afford having kids
ares35, and the £100,770 ain't gonna go very far. they already have three kids, they ought to know that.
kemsat, Brave. Good luck & Godspeed. 🤯🫡
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