JimmyChanga, That poor wee dude. I’d be fuckng livid of that was my dog
ButtCheekOnAStick, Did you read the article? The dog was lost because it escaped from its cage and roamed loose in the airport, evading capture.
Cenzorrll, “He said that she was being transported (to the plane) on the runway, and staff had opened her kennel, and she had escaped into the middle of the runway,”
I’m pretty sure that falls under incompetence.
JimmyChanga, Yeah, i did. Their incompetence lost the dog. It didn’t escape.
sebinspace, Hi, yes, quick question:
Can you not both be right?
HappycamperNZ, I mean, owner can be livid, technically not lost, and incompetent staff are all correct.
Pogogunner, "escaped"
Did you read the article?
OsrsNeedsF2P, Orphan crushing machine vibes
AllonzeeLV, Hey now, if we don’t keep ruining real people’s lives by brutally enforcing imaginary lines on this Earth we all share, the terrorists win… or something.
Because if we can’t feel superior to people accross that line over there, and they can’t cope by feeling superior to other people accross a different line, how will we console our fragile human egos?!
risottinopazzesco, Or more likely, how will they keep us divided without literally keeping us divided? The rich live in a border-free world anyway.
AllonzeeLV, Excellent point.
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