You’ve linked a lot of other people’s opinions, which is fine. A lot of stuff about how doctors aren’t always right, diagnoses aren’t always correct, and how antibiotics are prescribed in situations that aren’t necessary, like viral infections, which agreed, all of that happens.
But the context you’re avoiding is your original claim.
While antibiotic resistance gets all the attention, the damage being done to our host-native microbiomes is arguably as big a threat as climate change, as the damage compounds over generations, and once it’s gone you can’t get it back. (Apr 2019).
It is beyond ridiculous and what started this whole thing.
So, again, for everyone reading, my claim is that doctors should be the ones to make medical decisions. Antibiotics save lives, and to add one more, people who advocate for their disuse because humans make mistakes, should rightfully be called out.
And since you’re such a fan of random website “sources”.