Not at all saying this isn’t uplifting, but I’m kind of sad by how political and America centric this community seems to be. I’d love to see more universal or individual themed uplifting posts!
The government owns a ton of land used for national parks, grazing, and fish / wildlife conservation. But the biggest benefactors of this will probably be Washington D.C. which has about as many citizens as Alaska.
If he is, that's great because so many of these charges are ridiculous. But, I'm not necessarily in favor of making marijuana more accessible, just not keeping it a crime to go to jail over. As long as people are only getting high on their own (and NOT driving a car or anything afterward) I have no problem with what people do with it. That's up to them. It's not a crime to fuck yourself up in the manner of your choosing.
What's really bad about alcohol is, people who abuse it don't think it IS a drug. And they don't see it as having any negative effects until it's already created and addictive pattern and need for it.
True. And I don't get Fentanyl at all, I mean I don't do drugs myself and I really never wanted them but - c'mon people, Fentanyl? You'd be better off ingesting rat poison. Why would anyone deliberately take such a thing.
Worse is a subjective term. Alcohol causes more deaths per year (140,000+) than all other drug overdose deaths combined (~103,000). Alcohol also has significant long term health impact for even light users. I think what's truly the worst is how normalized alcohol use and abuse is in American society.
Me too, because I'm sure alcohol is more widely (and wildly) abused. Every day here in Utah people are getting killed by drunk drivers. Some are also under the influence of other drugs. My only beef is, don't get behind the wheel if you're high, it's not worth the consequences.
I don’t think anyone is in favor of relaxing DUI laws.
If it remains a black market good, that precludes a lot of safety and regulation. Humans love drugs. If I was writing a sci-fi setting, drugs would probably be the Human Special Thing. They’re not going away. Focus on harm reduction. And as far as harm from drugs go, marijuana is pretty low on the danger factor.
I think that's true, because with legalization comes tons of bureaucratic red tape and hoops to jump through that cartels would not waste their time with. I'm OK with legalization of marijuana, but I do hope it comes with people exercising good sense about how they use it (which won't happen, but I can dream...).
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