If the power networks are connected, you sometimes have surprisingly little control over it, tbh.
That’s true. I wonder how those statistics are made, where they say how many % of imports are from what resource, that I have seen floating around. Could be estimates, I guess?
There are hurdles with going 100% green, no doubt about that. Like you said, the infrastructure has to accommodate for changing output and all that. Sweden does it right and the Swedes can be proud of themselves.
Other nations still have to follow Swedens lead. Quite a few countries just took down their nuclear reactors without having a plan how to compensate the lost energy. Switzerland itself could claim a respectable renewable electricity mix with all our water pumping plants. But we still import like 70% from abroad, a lot from France and Germany. The latter beeing quite the “smoker”.
I hope you see my point a bit. I’ m just fed up with that “Look, we are so green!” narrative, because they only show the statistics in their national borders. Sweden was just a poorly chosen example on my part.