jmcs, 1 year ago to linuxmemes in Unix < GNULinux < GNUHurd The first response to the latest release is Everything’s broken (was: Debian GNU/Hurd 2023 released!) and they pretty much beg you to only run it in a VM. So we can safely assume it’s going to be stable until the end of the year. #2024YearOfHurdOnDesktop
The first response to the latest release is Everything’s broken (was: Debian GNU/Hurd 2023 released!) and they pretty much beg you to only run it in a VM. So we can safely assume it’s going to be stable until the end of the year. #2024YearOfHurdOnDesktop
BigBlackCockroach, 1 year ago (edited 1 year ago) to linuxmemes in Unix < GNULinux < GNUHurd #2024YearOfHurdOnDesktop Sometimes you got to take a leap of faith 🫣🐂🐃🦬 🤣 postscript : the guy who said everything was broken, seemed to just have had a broken filesystem, ironically the advantages of a microkernel like hurd led to him even being able to boot without a kernel panic() 🤯 🤔
Sometimes you got to take a leap of faith 🫣🐂🐃🦬 🤣
postscript : the guy who said everything was broken, seemed to just have had a broken filesystem, ironically the advantages of a microkernel like hurd led to him even being able to boot without a kernel panic() 🤯 🤔
Unix < GNULinux < GNUHurd (