GIMP 3.0 finally has a release schedule (
A most honorable dessert (or breakfast? I wont judge) (
Russian soldiers wait in ambush in a field, Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905 (
nature do be like that (
What's your favorite compilation album?
I’ve been really enjoying the Red Hot Organization’s “No Alternative” and “Dark was the Night” recently, both because they raised a lot of money for AIDS research and because they do a great job of capturing the 90s alternative sound and 00s indie sound respectively, and it’s got me thinking how much I love...
In more ways than one... NSFW (
I think they forgot to have the sun rotate around the tile… NSFW for those that look real close…
Oh Rocky, I mean Riker! (
Farside (
Info: This community is monitored by the Lemmy-Tagginator bot (
You might have seen my lemmy tagginator which I announced here and I explain its purpose in its README....
Shaping your own destiny (
Singular (
We should all be so lucky (
Legibility [toonholechris] (
It's like everyday (
Would anyone else like to speak up, or shall we end this charade? (
Big brain energy (
What are your thoughts on complexity in flag designs? (
There are a lot of varying opinions on how complex flags should be. Some prefer that flags be kept more simple and minimal, and others feel that simple flags come off as bland, corporate, and unflaglike. What do you think?...