I am exploring Lemmy right now and what I see is very worrying to me, but I also don’t understand wth is going on with some instances here. I don’t know if it’s smart to post this, but here we go....
Something akin to /r/twoxchromosomes....
While some may argue in transparently bad faith that it isn’t so, it’s obvious to even a casual observer that Star Trek’s setting depicts in the Federation a vision of society in which the goals of both the social and economic left wing have largely won out and largely been attained. The people of the Federation have...
[REPOST] I used to be an assistant golf course superintendent. One day my boss had me spraying chemicals on the fairways....
In “Take Me Out to the Holosuite”, captains Sisko and Solok form teams of their own crewmen and play a baseball game in one of Quark’s holosuites. Unlike most Holosuite programs, the real people involved are extremely spread out, with Rom (in the stands behind home plate) and Dax (climbing the center field fence) at least...
I didn’t see any dedicated natural language processing communities yet so I started one. I hope fellow NLP researchers, students and all who are interested join to discuss language technology, computational linguistics, etc....
A women sent her kid that was into programming to the grocery store and told it:...
Title. Could be apps or websites.