Aged like milk (
David's big break. (
Some U.S. territorial flag remakes (
She took in 7 dogs with who survived abuse and have disabilities. Now, they're helping to inspire others as therapy dogs (
I’m pasting the article here to spare you the site that starts playing shit automatically...
Like sticking your head in a Tupperware bowl (
I mean Sulu flyin' a Huey? 😚👌 (
I don’t even care that none of it makes sense.
Truth horn. (
It makes you wonder... (
Thanksgiving can be rough and delicious (
Unlimited power! (
23 November 2023 (
23 November 2023 (
23 November 2023 (
23 November 2023 (
23 November 2023 (
Bloom County Starts December 8 (
If you don’t know about Bloom County it’s a comic strip that ran the decade of the 80s (1980-1989). It was one of my favorites as a kid and though some of it will surely be dated, the majority should hold up well to current times. It examined events in politics and culture through the viewpoint of a fanciful small town in...
23 November 1978 (
23 November 1986 (
22 November 2023 (
His confidence is through the roof (
Core Values (
Sonic Shower Thought: Someone has probably used holodeck technology to feel like they're pooping at home.
I know people who only poop at home. I can’t imagine being out in space for years. With holodeck technology… Someone is bound to have written a program that simulated their bathroom at home.
What is that thing called where you like randomly start picking-up/doing something that you saw someone do and now its a shared "thing" about you cuz you both do it genuinely
Like when Charlie becomes/starts doing a Griecko thing or Michael Scott imitates Ryan’s ridiculous facial hair