A small multiplayer game called “Red Crucible 2” (browser based FPS game that runs in Unity Plugin, game’s now dead)
Note: I don’t have the times on these games because I might or might not have “downloaded” some of them outside of official stores… so its just based on how vividly I remember them.
I don’t know every type of alcohol so I’ll just put them together. I never consumed any alcoholic beverages in my entire life. I don’t think I ever could due to my deteriorating health.
Edit : Lmao alcoholics are bringing their pitchforks. Damn ya’ll need to chill, this is just a poll.
When your older, you understand how shitty the world really is, and shatters any hope you ever had.
I thought the world was so awesome, space is so vast, the world so interconnected, technology, communication across the whole world, we have flying machines, we (as in humanity) went to the moon, we have machines on mars, we might reverse aging…
Then, the realization that we are alone in space, the universe doesn’t care about us, technology is being used for mass surveillance, censorship and propaganda, false information, carbon emissions, recession to authoritarianism, discrimination, etc…
I wish I could be naive and happy as I used to be, but once you grow up, you understand how fucked up thw world is. Its hard to have hope again.
I’m diagnosed with depression, but maybe depression is just the realization of the horrible truth of the world.