Oh, yeah, classification takes some time. I classify by style (Pop, Rock, Metal, Techno, etc.). And I have 2 different “classification directories”, lol 😂. One is for albums/compilations. They are also sorted by style, but there are whole albums. The other one is with singles (like single tracks, not singles as in releases, lol 😂). Like, let’s say I like just 1 track from a certain artist and I don’t think anything else is worth it from that album (or EP, whatever). I download the whole thing, then delete everything else and just keep that 1 single track. So, let’s say this artist is a pop artist. I have a folder named Pop + Hip-Hop + House + Etc. and I just put it in there 😂. There’s like thousands of tracks there 😂.
So, let’s say I’m in the mood for something specific. I know where it resides, whether it be a whole album or a single track in the “randomness” directories (😂), I find it and I play it. If I’m just in a mood for music, in general, nothing specific, I usually just load the Pop + … directory in the playlist, set random and just hit play. Something I don’t like pops up, I just hit next 🤷.
I hope I helped. Sorting by style is what works for me 🤷. Sure, it’s not perfect, but I really don’t see any other sort style as better than that.
I pirate. I buy only what I really really like, and I’d like to have a hard copy (CD, vinyl), not digital download. If there is only digital download available, I pirate it.
The funny thing is though, I wasn’t as advanced when I jumped ship, but I never felt lost in it either. Like with Ubuntu and similar distros, things are fairly simple, but once you start getting nitty gritty with the system, start tinkering and whatnot, things just start not working. Like I was banging my head why this particular app just can’t access the internet, when all of the time it was ufw that was blocking it 😒.
What really pissed me off was the sheer number of apps that got installed allongside the main sustem. Like LibreOffice, maybe I didn’t want that installed on my system. And systemd seemed way too slugush and buggy for my taste, I really wanted something simpler and very easy to configure and run. So Void fit in there perfectly. Just xfce with some basic apps and plugins, that’s it.
Also, one of the main reasons why I bailed ship regarding conventional distros was dependency hell. You try and compile from source and there is always some dependency that’s outdated and just doesn’t compile 😒. This really really pissed me off, cuz I wanted to use the rig for, let’s say encoding, but the x265 lib in the repos was outdated. I wanted the latest, cuz I also wanted to test the progress of x265… things like this really grind my gears and I decided that conventional distros are probably not for me.