Ask Lemmy is a place to ask thought provoking questions. The mods have been lenient with some of the recent posts on the basis that they must provoke thought for some people, but after seeing two posts essentially saying “what do you think of my stick?”, I believe we can raise the bar a bit on what kind of thoughts we want...
edit: I realize there is Office web and it’s good but it has nowhere enough features. Also, do you guys think (Open, Libre, Only) office has as many features as Microsoft Excel?...
True story, Linux sees MIME types, so if Hot.Chick.Blows.Brother.mp4 is a virus, it shows up with a Windows (MZ) binary icon, not a media icon 😉… unlike Windows which only recognizes extensions 😒.
And this only gets worse, since audio file tags (and I believe video files as well 🤔) include album art nowadays, so it has an icon that is the album art… exe’s also have custom icons, so 🤷…
See, this is mostly because of 2 things. One, when changing filenames, users make the stupid mistake of changing the extension as well (having no extension that is), which of course, in Windows, it means the file won’t be recognized as a media file. Two, blind you from the truth - you don’t want users that can think, that’s not what our bysiness is about 😏. Also the reason behind why Windows has less and less options and people that want to change something have to revert to registery hacks to do so.
Not exactly… I mean, yes, you’re right about the privileges thing, but Windows has a lot more security holes than Linux (or any POSIX based OS for that matter). The root of the problem, as always is the distant Windows relative, DOS… no user space notion whatsoever… and Windows NT has dragged these issues for decades now, all because MS made (bought) DOS and distributed it.
This may be a stupid question, but I just got back into pirating some shows and movies and realize that many of the QxR files are much smaller than what I downloaded in the past. Is it likely that I am sacrificing a noticeable amount of quality if I replace my files with the smaller QxR ones?...
Yeah, beats me, I was surprised as well, like why do we still have to work with AVC clips, why can’t I just import a HEVC clip… Premiere: nope, that ain’t happenin’.
Yeah, I can related to that 😔. I work in a TV station in a country that had the PAL standard, and… well, every fucking shot is interlaced 🤦. Not only that, but the output from the station is as well 🤦. Why? Backwards compatibility… what in the actual fuck 🤦… it’s a stream, the decoder doesn’t care about that, it can decode any frame rate, any frame type, it’s all digital now 🤦. Tried explaining this, nope, we’re still doing interlaced.
And, of course, after the cable companies have their way with the signal, the output is shit… not to mention they also archive the material as interlaced 🤦… and then people from outside the station complain about the matrial being garbidge… they still don’t budge.
Just goes to show you what management is all about these days. They have the power, so they’re gonna use it any way they see fit. Why? Cuz they’re THE BOSS GOD DAMN IT 😠.
Lol 😂. Actually, it doesn’t take 3 seconds (well, 3 seconds for the stream output, yeah), there are workstations that need to be adjusted as well, but in a course if a day or 2, yeah, you can change the whole thing 👍. You could do the cameras last, that’s not such a big problem, they can shoot interlaced for a few days, edit it that way, export it non-interlaced.
Got me thinking, cuz I’ve done my own solutions (not the popular ones, like OMV and the likes) and they work just fine, I really have no trouble managing them through the terminal, but I thought about other people (maybe people that like more managing things though a web UI) and I was like “is there something like this...
Low effort posts
Ask Lemmy is a place to ask thought provoking questions. The mods have been lenient with some of the recent posts on the basis that they must provoke thought for some people, but after seeing two posts essentially saying “what do you think of my stick?”, I believe we can raise the bar a bit on what kind of thoughts we want...
What is the right way to pirate Microsoft 365 Suite for Linux?
edit: I realize there is Office web and it’s good but it has nowhere enough features. Also, do you guys think (Open, Libre, Only) office has as many features as Microsoft Excel?...
Linux servers
You have no power here (
Are movie and show file sizes more efficient than they were years ago?
This may be a stupid question, but I just got back into pirating some shows and movies and realize that many of the QxR files are much smaller than what I downloaded in the past. Is it likely that I am sacrificing a noticeable amount of quality if I replace my files with the smaller QxR ones?...
Is there a "universal" web UI for custom Linux NASes?
Got me thinking, cuz I’ve done my own solutions (not the popular ones, like OMV and the likes) and they work just fine, I really have no trouble managing them through the terminal, but I thought about other people (maybe people that like more managing things though a web UI) and I was like “is there something like this...