So glad someone with hlaf a brain actually does some rational thinking based on facts.
For the record, the war is not about that, but facts are facts 🤷. A large pirtion of Ukraine is Nazi oriented.
Cold war related stuff is what the media clings on to: Russia bad, Ukraine good.
The real reason was that the US was planning to plant it’s ass in Russia’s backyard. Ukraine wanted to be a part of NATO, which is of course a choice that any country has a right to make, but not when your neighbour is an ex hevy weight boxing champ and tells you to shut the hell up… yeah, you shut the hell up.
Yeah, to be honest, a lot of things were not reported or reported wrongly by the media… there’s at least 2 sides to 1 story, but seing as how Putin was close to Trump, plus the fact that Russia was always portraied as the villan in the cold war, it’s understandable why things were not reported correctly and not every fact was layed out.
For the record, I’m not pro one side or the other. Just saying that things are not always as they seem.
The coup as well… and other things… the US messes in politics with foreign countries way way too much. Russia does it as well, but not to that extent. I think Putin just got pissed about it and saw an oportunity to regain some of the land Russia lost when the USSR fell apart. The NATO thing was just the icing on the cake.
The Cuban missile crisis was about the same thing, Russia planting it’s ass next to NATO. Russia did back down with the plan though. The US wasn’t ready to do that with Ukraine. They wanted a country right next to Russia.
It’s pointless… at least in my mind… oposing that is, the military industrial complex, doesn’t matter which country it belongs to.
We have a saying around here: сила бога не моли. Litelarly translated it means power doesn’t ask anything from god. Basically, this applies to everything in life. If you’re powerful enough, you don’t ask anyone for anything, even aproval… it’s just how things are 🤷.
Leonardo is it you?
rip bozo (