Right… they claim hosting it is a violation of their TOS, but I’m not one of their customers. How can I violate their TOS if I don’t even use their product.
That kind of log floating behind ships was where the term log comes from. They’d throw them overboard and let them drift out over some interval and they’d mark down “log took 30 seconds to drift out to end of rope” to determine their speed.
Haier hits Home Assistant plugin dev with takedown notice (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
What Linux distro should I choose?
I’m moving away from Windows and I’m looking for distro for coding and occasional gaming. If more context is needed please let me know.
Which distro in your opinion is the best for virtualization (Windows 10 on either KVM or VMware), stability, and speed?
COSMIC: The Road to Alpha (blog.system76.com)
One day Star Trek will probably morph into a religion. (startrek.website)
Garak is my spirit animal (new and improved) (startrek.website)
*meme edited for average Lemmy attention span.
Getting spoiled by big budgets and CG can ruin your palate. (lemmy.world)
And don’t get me started on modern conveniences.
It's big! It's heavy! It's wood! (lemmy.world)
It’s better than bad! It’s GOOD!
Out volunteering this weekend (lemmy.sdf.org)
What is the term for an abstract personification? (Examples below)
Something like “the Firm wants to hire you,” “London doesn’t like you,” or “the Company has noticed your achievements.”
Phew... (r.nf)
Only a nightmare…
Japan is Japan (startrek.website)