Yes. I did it myself, configurable duration. Three sets of parallel color values…
I’ve almost posted on Lemmy before, but the script is too long (the variable RGBs drive the length)… It is absolutely possible. Starts white, moves gold, peach, pink, red, then blue. Brightness subsides with time and sun’s position.
I use home assistant to make it happen. The software is free and an RPi4B+ doesn’t break most banks.
What happens when you mention the pain to the medical staff? Are you out patient or in?
It’s small comfort to know the pain decreases. I remember a surgery of mine and the pain was… Unrelenting and deep. They gave me effective meds, eventually, though. I mean, what they gave me worried my wife because it was - or could have been - addictive.
Lucked out that didn’t happen. But the point is, meds exist that help, I’d think.