Our little pomchi chased a German shepherd all the way across a very large park, barking her crazy head off the entire time. She was normally a very obedient and sweet girl, but would just completely lose her fucking mind whenever she saw another dog at the park. We had to stop letting her off the leash anywhere that other dogs might be. If she was on her leash then she would be chill, and just wag her tail and say hello. But the second her leash was off around another dog, she turned into a psychopath.
Yes, I had to think about it for a minute before I even came up with “Tim Rothfuss”. He used to be a household name, and then he just stopped writing. Idk what his deal is, but he did say once that he’s envious of Sanderson’s writing speed. I guess it takes him a long time to write a book, and it seems like he either got burned out, or ran out of ideas. I felt like he took some ideas from Jordan in the 2nd Kingkiller book. I met him once, walking around on the floor at Emerald City Comic Con. He seems like a cool guy. He spent like an hour talking to my sister at his booth after I ran into him. It’s a shame that I think you’re right. It doesn’t look like he’ll ever finish that trilogy.
What is it that causes this behavior from people around us? I think we have all experienced this before, which means that people are probably predisposed to want your attention when it’s elsewhere, but not care about your attention if it’s nowhere.