Check out Stremio+Real-Debrid+Torrentio. It’s honestly better than any paid subscription you can get from the studios. Install it on something like a Chromecast 4k, or a Shield TV device, hook it up to your home entertainment system, and you’ve got yourself a bonafide real solution.
I would say that they’re worse than local hardware stores. Not only is it really difficult to get help in a Home Depot, but they rarely have any even remotely specialized. Lets say you need a specialized gasket to fix your bidet. Home Depot probably doesn’t have it, and if they do, they’ll make you search for it for an hour, and then make you buy 12 of them for $10. The local hardware store will have a little white haired dude who knows exactly what you need, exactly where it is, will explain how to prevent it from going bad again, and will sell you one gasket for 37 cents.
It’s very amazing to me that we have better tablets today than they had on TNG, yet we’re further from space exploration today than we were when TNG was being made.
You’re not allowed to buy the content anyways. You’re only allowed to pay for the illusion of ownership, until they decide they don’t want to host it anymore, and then you lose it. They’re such bullshit artists that they redefine common words like “buy” and “own” in their ToS.
It would work. Senator Sanders forced a vote to require the State department to report on Israel’s humanitarian violations or immediately withhold aid, and the Senate quickly voted 72-11 against the proposal. That is probably the most bi-partisan vote we’ve seen in decades. But don’t go thinking that the enormous American political machine actually represents the will of the American people. They represent corporate interests, and hardly even try to hide that anymore.
“Please watch this advertising video that is relevant to what you were discussing with your wife in the other room this morning before your browser can be launched.”
What is it that causes this behavior from people around us? I think we have all experienced this before, which means that people are probably predisposed to want your attention when it’s elsewhere, but not care about your attention if it’s nowhere.