Fun fact: humans aren’t responsible for the first mass extinction caused by organisms polluting the atmosphere with poisonous gas. Blue-green algae did it first, with “a decrease in the size of the biosphere of >80%”.
How are you getting reliable success with any spell that allows for a saving throw? I’m seeing pretty terrible odds with my bard’s offensive enchantment spells (on Tactician difficulty).
I had a six-month-long marriage. My ex-wife was not a nice person and everyone else could see it almost immediately, but I was swept away by how determined to be with me she was. It felt so good to have a woman who was attractive, successful, and very, very interested in me. Too good to be true, as it turned out. I’m not sure exactly what was wrong with her - something like borderline personality disorder? Once I committed to her, she became very jealous and would go from sweet to angry frequently and with no provocation. Although she only ever yelled at me, I was scared of her.
I’ve made mistakes in my life that were good for me because they were learning experiences. My marriage wasn’t one of them - I wish that it had never happened. However, I did still learn from it:
Don’t look down so much on people who make obvious, foolish mistakes. You might end up as one of them. I didn’t think I was the kind of person who would ever get divorced but here I am…
Admitting that you made a big mistake feels terrible, but the real problem is the big mistake, not the admission of it. I was a fool to be married for just six months, but I would have been a bigger fool if I stayed in that marriage longer than that. I’m still ashamed that I married my ex, but I’m proud that I had the courage to leave.
Time does heal wounds. All my hopes and dreams about the future with her were garbage, my judgement was no better than that of a daytime talk-show guest, and my humiliation was known to every single person who was important to me, since they were all at my wedding. Then years passed, and while I still haven’t spoken to some more distant relatives simply because I don’t want to explain that I’m not with my ex-wife any more, I have in fact moved on with my life.
Nobody really knows why that’s supposed to attract a potential dating partner, but it’s really common
Back when I did online dating I wrote about playing computer games, not because I expected that to be attractive to the average woman (of course it isn’t) but because I was hoping to meet one of the rare women who shared my interest.
A friend of mine managed to marry a woman who agreed to have their honeymoon be a week-long canoe trip through the wilderness in Maine, complete with living off of the fish they caught. It can happen!
So drinking a real-world cow’s milk is ok, but drinking a Zootopia cow’s milk would not be ok because… the Zootopia cow is presumably a full member of society who earns a living by consensually being milked?
Almost ten years ago, I was walking and as a car drove by, a woman inside it yelled something at me. I couldn’t hear what she said but I assumed she was catcalling me. That memory warms me to this day.
I will only read a book if it has either robots or wizards. Ideally there would be both, they would battle, but one of the robots would fall in love with a wizard.
Just to clarify: he wasn’t completely wild. He was well-socialized and he wasn’t aggressive about food - you could safely stick your hand in his mouth and pull food out. Beyond that, I didn’t bring him to places where he could get in trouble that way.
I get that “badly trained” can mean various things including simply neglecting a dog, but in the context of this meme I just meant that my dog wanted to eat whatever people were eating (in moderation) and he whined a lot if someone refused to play with him.
People would tell me that my dog was badly trained, but the way I see it, being trained isn’t fun. I have to be trained because I need to be able to earn money and survive in the real world, but my dog didn’t need a job and he asked for so little - why wouldn’t I provide him everything he wanted?
Plus it was absolutely hilarious when he would gradually lure guests away from the dinner table by being adorable and then when they were far enough from it, he would dash back to it faster than they could and eat their food.
Yeah, I feel like Avengers: Endgame was an ending for the MCU. I’m not complaining, because a good story needs to have an ending, but I’m also not motivated to see superhero movies coming out after Endgame (at least not cosmic-scale superhero movies - I’ll always have a soft spot for Peter Parker).
Believe me, I miss it too. I actually grew up in a big city, moved to a rural area for work, and then had to move back to that same big city. Crowding, noise, smells, terrible commutes - all the bad stuff about city living that I just took for granted before bothers me constantly now. I fantasize about being back on my own land with my own house, my own pickup truck, my own trees, and no strangers. All the people I care about are in the big city, they refuse to leave, and ultimately being close to them is more important to me, but I really wish they were country folk.
I was surprised by how nervous some of the people who visited me from the city were when I lived in a slightly rural area. It wasn’t even that remote - I had a neighbor across the street! Telling people that there were no bears and a lot less crime didn’t convince them to relax.
A moonless night away from any artificial light is dark. Can’t-see-your-own-feet dark, and also so quiet that you start hearing a lot of noises that you aren’t used to hearing. It’s really unsettling. But of course I just carried a flashlight.
One time I invited a girl over to watch a movie and she got mad at me because apparently that’s what guys say when they want sex? I just wanted to watch a movie…
The worst part was realizing how disappointed all those other girls will did come over and watch movies with me must have been.
The PETM wasn’t so bad, and neither was the Cretaceous hothouse Earth. Paleontology gives me the perspective needed to know that we’re not all going to die even in the worst-case scenario.
This Event is True. Image is false. (
Fact Check
Oxygen. (
What having a bard in the party is like (
Have you ever failed at something? How did you get back up after that?
Perhaps failure in college, class, career, or other things.
Put the fish down. (
the Perks of ownership... (
And now I'm concerned (
But I eat when I'm sad (
Lies! Deception! (
What a feeling (
Beggar (possibly a WW1 veteran?) running beside King George V's carriage, early 1920s (
It's (usually) already installed (
"Book Club" by War and Peas (
Source: Website - RSS
Who wants a treat? (
Box Office: ‘The Marvels’ Gets Grounded With MCU’s Second-Lowest Opening Day Ever (
You can even leave your doors unlocked and let your guard down. (
Doubt. (
Pretty interesting, huh? (
Is it advisable for one who is not an expert on economic and social issues to express views on the subject of traffic law? I believe for a number of reasons that it is. (