Are there any plans on adding features that enable easier interaction with other federated platforms like mastodon and peertube (for example being able to comment/interact with peertube videos and mastodon posts)?
If you decide later to test other distros I would highly recommend using a virtual machine in virtualbox. Saves the hassle when it comes to testing distros 👍
Fedora is indeed a pretty solid option its very stable and you are still up to date when it comes to packages.
One distro that I personally use and I’m going to shill is void. Its bleeding edge but its surprisingly stable. If you don’t mind reading documentation and researching similarly to arch you shouldn’t have a problem (since you are accustomed to endeavourOS).
Congrats bro! Sadly, the nvidia drivers are proprietary but eventually it might not need to be with the progress we are seeing on NVK. Almost 100 percent libre system poggers 😳
Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised, I don’t know much about Go but based on Google’s track record it seems like the gameplan is to sell a bunch of user data to third parties and go rich