I have a dozen friends or so that I keep in regular contact with (to varying degrees). That’s plenty for me. I’m open to new friends but I am not an active “friend collector” like some people seem to be. Some super extroverted people I know seem to use it to keep score or something. I tend to drift away from that type of person, and then hope they take the hint. My least favorite are the ones you haven’t heard from in years and then they text you out of the blue wanting to reconnect. I don’t ghost them, but I do duck out of it. They’re just bored and being a pest.
I had abdominal surgery several years ago and the surgeon mentioned that they left some clips inside. To this day I have no idea if they are magnetic or not.
I agree with folks saying charisma is an attribute of a person, and panache is attached to an action or object. That’s how I’ve always heard them used. But we could all be wrong compared to the dictionary definitions. Merriam Webster seems to agree, at least.
I tend to think of charisma as charm, and panache as style.
LOL, I also do the passive-aggressive slowdown thing. 99% of the time it works. But then there’s that rare psycho that refuses to get off your ass just to…uh…prove a point…by slowing themselves down? There was a post on schmeddit several years ago where a guy came to a complete stop in the middle of nowehere with the tailgator just sitting 1" from his bumper.
Omnibus. Hosted by Ken Jennings and John Roderick. They are both funny, enjoy each other’s company, and extremely knowledgeable. The show covers a swath of esoteric topics.
IPA is a great comparison (and I hate how “IPA” has become synonymous with “beer”). I like blue cheese, but I agree it can quickly overwhelm. I prefer to go easy with it in recipes. For salad dressings I prefer the ones that are toned down a bit.