I had a friend that during the cold winter mornings would wake up and piss on his windshield to clear/melt the frost. He of course kept the vents closed so he couldn’t smell it on the drive. It really was disgusting, but made me wonder if he might’ve had a clever time saving idea.
Some people have chubby cheeks, or don’t want to mess up their makeup would be my guess. The poster mentioned obsessive compulsive disorder, so your answers there. 👍
As you get older, you sort of get used to the fact that the majority of your fellow passengers are oblivious to the fact we’re on a bus speeding towards a cliff, driven by depravity and delusions of grandeur. And you realize short of a miracle, nothing is going to change it. It’s either that or you go mad. ¯*(ツ)*/¯
I get what you mean… though, I feel like an IQ test is a biased test, I took one as a teenager and scored high. Which was a morale boost at the time, but a few months later I had medical problems and ended up having a stroke and had to basically start all over with speech, motor and memory.
Sure, I survived. But I went through every therapy, started back up and realized I wasn’t close to what I was before. Which was crushing, sure I knew it wouldn’t be the same and I’m still above average, but the latent memories of my capabilities before constantly haunt me.
I didn’t mean to depress anyone, just enjoy the blue zone if at all possible. I constantly try remembering, it can get worse. /hug