It’s not even receding, just looking like it, which has been the case my entire life, which makes me feel ugly and masculine, especially if people comment on it, because I otherwise look cute, but my endless wisdom requires too much forehead planes, I suppose. 😩
Lol mine is receding and bangs make it obvious. You can tell where some bangs should be and it leaves you with a gap. Just gotta accept the new hairline, hiding it only seems to make it worse.
Thanks man its something I memesmithed back on another site I won’t mention. Not sure Lemmy has a meme template community but I could post the blank one in the feed maybe.
Later me will manage (
Rocket, 1914 (
Fighting the urges... (
It’s not even receding, just looking like it, which has been the case my entire life, which makes me feel ugly and masculine, especially if people comment on it, because I otherwise look cute, but my endless wisdom requires too much forehead planes, I suppose. 😩
Har-monica (
he kitty (
Not Sparks. (
They are not for eating (
Counting (
Sips Tea Menacingly (
Poor Choice of Venue (
One Comment Chain to Rule Them All (