If you’re coming from newer Metroid titles you might want this. It is a romhack that has a number of quality of life patches like GBA-style missile and aim controls, faster door transitions, and not locking backtracking from the final save room, etc.
Here is a website that keeps track of the latest YouTube anti-adblock scripts and if uBlock Origin’s filters are updated to bypass it: drhyperion451.github.io/does-uBO-bypass-yt/
I think they were saying that they could save space by converting their existing jpg files to avif or jpgXL, not converting to a 70% quality jpg. JpgXL can do this losslessly so there’s no drawback there, but converting to avif would be a lossy to lossy transcode.
EDIT: I completely missed OP’s last paragraph, which does say they are considering converting their existing jpg files into 70% jpgs.
The 32bit libtcmalloc_minimal.so.4 that all Source 1 games ship with needs to be updated. You can symlink it to your system’s version to get TF2 running again. It’s usually only a matter of time before it starts to effect more downstream distros.
The other problem I have with TF2 is queueing for casual just stops for no discernable reason or error every time, even if I’m not the party host. But then I come back later and it works again? Only real solution I’ve found is to have my friends queue without me and then join after they’ve found a match.
The XDG Base Directory Specification is a set of guidelines to tell application developers where they should store their application’s config files, cache, etc.
There are many applications that don’t follow the guidelines and put their files in a hidden folder directly in your home directory, which is what the guidelines are trying to combat.
WatchParty works fine for watching YouTube together but uploading to your friends requires Chrome. I’ve also never been able to get video working with mkv files. Webm works but I’ve never seen a release in a webm container.