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All 3 are leftist, based on rejecting individual ownership, and related to FOSS (tangentially in Star Trek’s case), and all 3 are nerdy as hell. They have a lot in common under the hood.


Unironically dividing the Proletariat against itself by stirring up racism among conservatives on a large social platform is the correct move for him to keep his dragon hoard, though I doubt it’s intentional.


I dunno, I’ve seen his Elden Ring build, and he’s somehow a fan of New Vegas despite NV beating him over the head, so I don’t quite believe that.


Valve will be just as Capitalist when it ends. If you aren’t okay with Capitalism for video games, or see it as a necessary evil while we live under Capitalism, you need to consume FOSS games and buy straight from indie devs, essentially.


It’s purely for a cheap optics win. President Yoon is a fascist incel that has been taking L after L, so he worked to ban dog meat despite almost nobody eating it except the absolute poorest of society. Dog meat isn’t a delicacy, it wasn’t something people ate because they saw it as high status, it was largely abandoned by an increasingly westernized South Korea, except for those who couldn’t afford anything else. Barely anyone was eating it.

Instead, it’s virtue signaling by a fascist looking to grab cheap publicity wins rather than actually making good systemic change. Dog meat wasn’t an especially pressing concern, it was an almost gone practice out of necessity, coming from food insecurity, especially during and after the Korean War.

TL;DR still a good thing, but ultimately just a publicity stunt to distract from the fascist President Yoon butchering the economy and targeting women, minorities, and disabled people.


But a king must have power and authority, Linus just has influence and labor, thus expertise.


So mass adoption is your answer, and I’d say you’re misguided. The purpose of FOSS isn’t to make a profit, but to satisfy uses and needs. If a few people have a need for a fork and use it, then it’s a success.

You’re judging FOSS software by popularity, rather than use, as though it’s for profit.


Anyone can fork it and do what they want, people respect Linus and follow suit because he’s good at what he does and knows it best. He holds no power or authority beyond the willful respect and acknowledgement of the people.


Many times, and it’s always an option for FOSS software. What do you consider “working?” Mass adoption, or satisfying needs and use-cases?


Regardless of what AnCaps argue, the fundamental fact is that Anarchy is a rejection of hierarchy, whereas Private Property itself requires both the Owner/Worker hierarchy, and a monopoly on violence that cannot be reasonably contested to uphold Private Property protections. As such, it can only be considered Libertarian, as it both maintains hierarchy and maintains some semblance of at minimum a nightwatchman state.

As for Left/Right, the standard definition is Collective/Individual ownership of the Means of Production, not necessarily collectivism/individualism or lib/auth. Individual ownership by definition is supporting rulers, the larger Capitalists are effectively no different from a Feudal state.

Sharing being allowed does not mean FOSS aligns with AnCap principles, that’s like saying bagel consumption is AnCap.

FOSS isn’t simply “sharing” either, it’s quite literally a rejection of Individual ownership and creating IP for the collective to use, fork, maintain, and distribute as they see fit. It isn’t a coincidence that FOSS enthusiasts overwhelmingly lean left, just like Lemmy tends to.


I have. Engineers, ie workers, designed the hardware. It was not the Capitalists that owned the companies doing the design.


Anarcho-Capitalism isn’t a thing, it’s just Libertarian Capitalists LARPing with Leftist aesthetics. The very rejection of individual ownership rejects Capitalism, it’s like saying Worker Co-operatives are an example of Capitalism because markets tend to not care what makes them up.

Just because FOSS would be “allowed” in Capitalism doesn’t mean it’s an example of Capitalist principles.


Linus’ power doesn’t come from Ownership, but respect. Anyone can fork it and do what they want, but because Linus is respected, everyone else follows suit.

Anarchism would function in a similar manner, it wouldn’t be a bunch of opinionated people doing whatever they want, but people generally listening to experts who don’t actually hold systemic power.


You’re completely off on what I’m getting at. The idea of “Capitalist” hardware, as though the Capitalist did the labor, is wrong. Engineers are paid for their labor power, they don’t typically get royalties or anything of the sort, just like any other laborer.

Someone saying that FOSS software relies on Capitalist hardware is putting the Capitalist over the Engineer, as though the Capitalist created the hardware, and not the labor of the miners, assemblers, designers, engineers, and so forth, regardless of who owns the Capital the labor is done by the Workers. FOSS is agnostic to whoever owned the Means of Proruction of the hardware using or producing it.


What is “fully-capitalist hardware?”


Linus isn’t a tankie, and Socialism/Communism isn’t giving away money. It’s a dramatic restructuring of the economy into a Worker owned and operated one.


Anarchy isn’t a rejection of structure, but a complex web of horizontal structures.


That answers absolutely nothing. Do you think Capitalists designed hardware, or Engineers?

Cowbee, (edited )

A few things draw significant differences.

Anarchism is fundamentally a firm rejection of unjust hierarchy, including the state, via building up of bottom-up structures using networks of Mutual Aid or other strategies (like Syndicalism).

Communism is fundamentally about advancing beyond Capitalism into Socialism and eventually Communism. It’s fundamentally Marxist, unlike most forms of Anarchism (which don’t necessarily reject Marx, but also don’t accept everything Marx wrote). Communists are generally perfectly fine with using the state in order to eventually achieve a Stateless, Classless, Moneyless society, as each becomes unnecessary and whithers away.

In essence, Anarchism rejects that a state is necessary at all, and seeks to directly replace current systems with the end-goal of an Anarchist structure, whereas Communists tend to agree more with gradual change, rapidly building up the productive forces, and achieving a global, international Communism.

Anarcho-Communism seeks to combine these into directly implementing full Communism without going through Socialism first.

All of this is from a generally Leftist perspective, without leaning into any given tendency, as I believe the most critical battles now are building up a sizable leftist coalition. Everyone should focus on organizing, unionizing, reading, learning, sympathizing, empathizing, and improving themselves and those around them.


Neither, the title specifically states Anarcho-Communism, not Marxism-Leninism. Closest analog would be any other AnCom that created a large publicly available service.


And yet Linux works fine. Not everyone needs to be a dev, devs can tell the difference between an expert and a charlatan.


Unfortunately not that big of a twist. It wasn’t until wartime that the US fully turned its back on the Nazis, they had an uncomfortably huge amount of support in America.


Based antifascist grandpa


Blue. No mistake reversion or bitcoin investing would outweigh possibly never meeting my partner again. With Blue, I have everything I could ever want from this life, with red, I may lose everything important to me now.


Absolutely. Anyone who would go back in time purely to make more money is a fool if they think having more than 10 million dollars would make a tangible difference on their quality of life. Who cares if you make a billion off of bitcoin? For 10 mil you can be extremely comfortable and don’t have to relive some of the most awkward years of your life. Only way it would be different is if your choices got someone killed or something.

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