I don’t do anything else than laundry gauntlet.
I once washed one piece of cloth on its own but it felt like a huuuge waste!
Nowadays I take my chances. But I must say that my clothing doesn’t seem to take that much damage (obviously they’d live longer otherwise but I don’t want to fill a whole machine worth of water for one piece of clothing, that’s nuts!).
The ogre walks to the wizard The ogre BONKS with his club, dropping the wizard unconscious The ogre carries the wizard to a barrel of piss The ogre drops the unconscious wizard in the barrel The party leaves
I don’t remember did I do anything else than lurk when I initially created my account in Reddit.
I was more active before I stopped creating stuff (and shortened my time of interacting with) in Reddit, and that activity level carried in here.
However, since I think that Lemmy is a smaller place than Reddit and I really want this “seems-better” system to take off, I am trying to contribute some extra resources of mine here to help the cause! (I think Lemmy is the only social media I use)
I’ve heard that it’s easier to grow in power or money when you don’t consider ethical questions while rising above others (as long as you either follow laws or don’t get caught while not following them).
And since humans seem to be an animal that corrupts easily (especially when given enough power/money)…
Makes me wonder - when do I corrupt? How? And if/when I will, will I even notice it myself?
Creating posts is not the only way of making engagement. Even though it’s better than having a community of 0 posts, I still would be sad to look at a community that has one new post daily but doens’t get any votes or comments.
Within time not getting engagement can become demoralizing to the content creator. Why bother if you don’t get anything in return? (Been there, felt that - and in many occasions.)