I’ve heard that it’s easier to grow in power or money when you don’t consider ethical questions while rising above others (as long as you either follow laws or don’t get caught while not following them).
And since humans seem to be an animal that corrupts easily (especially when given enough power/money)…
Makes me wonder - when do I corrupt? How? And if/when I will, will I even notice it myself?
My account is about 5 days old. I’m not home during this weekend and I don’t feel like playing games now so I’ve done what I usually don’t do on PC: done some reading on ~~Reddit ~~ Lemmy. So that’s the reason why PC on me is the biggest right now.
I have created some posts too though, and that is more pleasant on a bigger screen and a decent keyboard. But reading and commenting only with no pictures or other files to be added is OK on a smaller screen with a no-physical keyboard 😁 (not that I reply often and when I do, I don’t write that much)
If I created a community, would I become it’s (lone) moderator automatically?
What consequences, requirements and things would I need to keep in mind as a moderator?
Is it advisable to copy-paste content from Reddit to kickstart new communities (given that the link source to the original content was added as well when making new posts)?
I don’t remember did I do anything else than lurk when I initially created my account in Reddit.
I was more active before I stopped creating stuff (and shortened my time of interacting with) in Reddit, and that activity level carried in here.
However, since I think that Lemmy is a smaller place than Reddit and I really want this “seems-better” system to take off, I am trying to contribute some extra resources of mine here to help the cause! (I think Lemmy is the only social media I use)
I like taking a feel of different materials and objects with a hand/fingers. It’s kind of a grown-up version for the “put it in your mouth to get a feel of it” I think?