Problem isn’t just on Linux’s side for a change. Louis Rossmann did a video on Netflix’s bullshit some weeks ago. Seems it’s far from uncommon to not get what you’re paying for with those shitbags
Because I was generally enjoying Reddit before being forced out by the API crap. I’m a creature of habit so tend to dislike change and as much as I’m generally liking Lemmy, I’m having to force myself to not check the app every time I get bored because I’ll just see the same posts 20 times in a day thanks to the relatively low level of interaction on the platform currently. Whenever I go looking for tech support online, it’s nearly always a reddit post from 2-8 years ago that has the answer but I don’t want to spend any amount of time on the site, particularly if I’m on my phone at the time since it means doing that annoying step of having to manually change “www” to “old” to make the site functional and readable. I guess I’m just feeling vengeful at yet another good (or some approximation of) thing ruined by yet another money-grubbing, power-hungry, self-important tosser.
Though I see what you’re saying… ish. I think at this point, we aren’t going to see a massive influx of users without the death of competing platforms like Reddit since there are enough people either happy to keep taking the punches or think sunshine shines out of Spez’s asshole. Frankly, we can do without the second kind of person but the first won’t do anything without a certain amount of persuasion and I reckon the sinking of the ol’ Reddit ship would be just enough of a toe-capped-boot up the nether regions to persuade.
Hopefully it costs them dearly. Kinda like the whole Tumblr censorship fiasco and drastic fall in value but before they sell it. Put #FuckSpez in the poor house
Sadly this “own nothing and be happy” world only exists for those who don’t make hundreds of thousands for the great gift of destroying the world for everybody else.
It’s nice that he’s being honest about the bullshittery but all the same he can shove it. Glad I haven’t bought a Ubi game in years and it doesn’t look like that’s going to be changing any time soon.
I will just advise that in that circumstance, you’ll likely end up replaying the whole game if you grab the DLC later. Both muscle-and-regular memories will have faded by that time that late-game will be challenging to come back to even jf you’ve spec’d to be OP at the time. Not saying there’s anything wrong with replaying, only making sure you know to expect to.
I played the game just after launch and did a modded replay in prep for Phantom Liberty but it took so long for some of the mods I now deem important to get updated that I ended up deciding to replay yet again.
I know what the meme is. The comment is supposed to be a satirical state on the reality that many people think they’re still buying something when they pay Steam, PSN or what have you.
Right, this I-can-do-no-wrong attitude is getting tiresome. You keep throwing this shit at me that I’m getting defensive but it’s more than obvious you’re deflecting. I couldn’t give less of a mild shit about your correction. The problem is the way you approach people, the way you twist events so that anyone disagreeing with what you’re saying systematically means they feel bad about themselves like they’re a lesser being. The problem is you.
Let me highlight the problem area: “But it looks exactly like an Arctic Fox”
Something doesn’t look “exactly like” something they’re unfamiliar with, yet you took it upon yourself to talk down to someone.
“Yeah man, my bad. Didn’t mean to sound judgemental.” I never said you were being judgmental at this point which means this was your own conclusion from a re-read of your comment after my response.
“it’s okay to not know stuff. Lack of knowledge does not make you stupid. However, getting defensive because someone knew something you didn’t, definitely does.” Then you rethought it. You chose to try throw the whole thing in my face and doubled down on the judgment with a hearty side dose of patronization and make it out to be just me who has misinterpreted your initial message to be judgmental despite having acknowledged it coming across as that way yourself.
If you had left that first sentence out of your initial message, I would have noticed my fuck up and simply responded “Oh shit, I screwed up my message. I know animals can be friendly. I’ll go fix my message. Thanks for pointing it out” and we’d both have gone on with our days. But you just had to start it by being a know-it-all dick. My mistake was a simple blunder which I have acknowledged but you just keep finding ways to manipulate this response thread to make me out as this toddler throwing a tantrum for having been wrong. It doesn’t get any simpler; the problem is you, not the correction, Y-O-U.
Now, I’m done spelling simple shit out to you. The userbase of Lemmy is still on the small side and I like to think that one day I’ll come across a comment from you that I’ll enjoy but one more of your manipulative attempts to twist my reaction and I’ll happily block your ass.