You absolutely could, but that feels weird after you've kinda just met. It's not like having a one to one chat with people, I think there was like 15 or 20 people?
I've been in a few for various reasons. There's one where they choose a few redditors at random and you get 7 days to talk amongst yourselves, after that you are banned from the sub forever. That was amusing. Kinda gutting when you get the ban notification.
I taught teenagers for a long while, the things about teenagers that are annoying are also so very relateable. They're full of hormones, incapable of handling their emotions, and way too busy coping with all of that to be in school.
A lot of adults seem to have amnesia about that time but spending time with whole classes of them makes your own experiences of it flood back.
Like when a guy you liked didn't say hi to you in the morning and you had a whole existential crisis that nobody would ever love you, cried in the toilet at lunch time, then decided you were a strong independent woman, got over the whole thing, by the end of the day you were like "screw him, I deserve so much better!" then you saw him leaving school and he was like "Sorry I didn't say hi earlier, I had my headphones in" and it wasn't actually a thing at all? That's basically being a teenager all the time.
I’m going from Hong Kong to Iceland next month. I’ve read that everything there, including food, are quite expensive. So my wife and I have been researching on how to prepare meal or snack that we can eat during the day instead of going to restaurant....
Hi, well to start I usually feed any cat that came to my house, and a pregnant cat start coming around 2 months ago but unlike the others cat, she remained on my yard and basically she lives here....
As much as your relatives might like the kittens, they do need vet care. Fleas can kill kittens quite easily and you might lose all of them, bathing them can also kill them.
Either you take them yourself or try to find a rescue who can. They can safely treat the family and check that they're OK outside of this issue.
There's enough space for everyone, just currently some people have 200 acre estates and some have bedsits and nobody is doing anything to try to equalise that.
That is a very long email filled with a lot of waffle which is based on things you seem to be worried about due to not understanding the situation. I'm not helping you with everything but read what you're typing, you've put a post about needing explicit consent to use DNA and then made up a story that people can be tricked. Not how it works.
The screenshot you've found of Gedmatch isn't anything to do with police at all.
Finally, you've claimed I haven't answered the court case suggestion, which I did a message or two ago. If they have a case strong enough to get your DNA then they can get it from you. No need to go faffing about with websites.
To use genetic genealogy you need access to a database of users, each of those peoples data is protected and in order to use them each time you would need to make a valid case for each persons DNA. That means hundreds of thousands individual cases and you wouldn't get permission as theres no cause.
You're getting a bit confused here. Gedmatch cooperates with law enforcement but it's only if you've chosen to, so it's a program you need to opt in to. This is legal.
Some of what you've found is about how the police use DNA in general, for example going into bins to get you or your relatives DNA, this is unrelated to genetic genealogy and has been done for decades.
Now one thing that could happen is police requesting your DNA by court order, this is already done, not through genetic genealogy though, they can just get it from you. If the police get a court order to obtain your DNA then they're swabbing you themselves, or as previously mentioned, just getting it from your bin.
Police can not request everyones DNA by court order. That's not how laws work, and if they wanted to use genetic genealogy privately then they'd need access to the entire database, millions of people in dozens of countries, and each one would need to be requested individually with a full case to obtain. That's impossible.
Police do have their own database of DNA they've legitimately obtained, it's called CODIS. This can be used to find close relatives, so if your brother was arrested for a robbery and had his DNA collected, then your DNA was found in a murder scene they could link it to your brother using CODIS.
And it states that investigators may only use websites with strict policies around user consent.
The law dictates it must have an opt in policy, so DNA being accessed is from volunteers basically.
It's also worth noting that if they had your DNA there's no need to steal your pizza because that will just provide the same DNA.
It's also discussing a Maryland law where prosecuters there have to apply to use those volunteers and have a certain level of crime to do so. In other states they can access the volunteers with less hoops to jump through. Nobody can access non volunteers.
On the 'turned on by default' statement, that's just untrue. It was never an opt out policy, it started as an open access arrangement then after legal challenges it became an opt in policy. You can look that up.
Now another misconception that I've noticed is what Gedmatch is, you can't submit spit to Gedmatch, it's a site for people who have tested at other sites to upload their DNA file to compare against other users of the site.
ETA - There's also no addresses on Gedmatch, the police would email you and ask for your details. You can submit addresses to Ancestry for example if you want, but there's no requirement to, or for that matter your name, email, etc etc. In cases currently being worked on they have had leads closed because people won't reply to a message.
Most companies don't cooperate with law enforcement, it's only Gedmatch who do currently and you need to personally opt in to that because they originally gave free access and there was a legal challenge. None will give info to health insurance companies, privacy laws in most places wouldn't allow that. All of them have to let you delete your info whenever you want.
However if you don't trust for profit orgs then you're out of luck. Many of them are run by the LDS though, and their goal is to get your family tree so that they can baptise your dead relatives, so like, kinda harmless as far as corporate strategy goes.
I've had mine done and nobody has made an evil clone to frame me for killing the king yet, so it's not too bad.
If it happened you could delete your data. I think it's unlikely though, as a for profit company they'd close down pretty quickly if they allowed it and people stopped buying.
The Golden State Killer was caught after police detectives uploaded his DNA to a personal genomics website in 2017 pretending it was theirs.
That's untrue. They uploaded it to Gedmatch which is the one website that allows these things. They didn't 'pretend it was theirs', they legitimately uploaded it from a police account. They do this a lot but you need to opt in now due to the legal challenges. They've solved quite a few crimes and identified many unidentified bodies, including a number of murdered children.
I mean, boxes in general are my organising style. I keep a lot of aquariums so I bought 8 shoebox sized boxes, one for substrate, one for decor, one for water testing, etc.
In my bathroom I used to have a lot of stuff so I bought a few wicker baskets, hair stuff, skin care, and make up, then a tall cupboard with fabric boxes for cleaning products, toothcare, hair dyes, bath bombs, you know. I have boxes everywhere.
I’ll start off by saying that he has a bad past life. He was obviously abused by his previous owners and straight up abandoned in the woods. He has bad anxiety that he is on Prozac for, and it seems to be helping for the most part....
Exercise doesn't have to be walking, how mobile can you be? Can you hide food around the house? Or throw a frisbee?
It might be tricky to teach but if you're stuck in one spot you can get a couple of balls and play fetch, you hold the second ball, refuse to throw it until he brings the first one within reaching distance, smart dogs get that quite quickly. It also helps their brain cause they have to work out what you want them to do.
Talking of the brain, sometimes thinking is as good as doing, so you can set up puzzles, set up a frozen kong, all sorts.
I'm a fosterer with quite a bit of dog training education. I second the advice that you need a good qualified behaviourist, this means degree level study or above.
However, for the meantime, nobody should be taking anything from him by force. This will worsen the behaviour. The things he's taking don't sound like they pose danger to him so take all the urgency out of the response. It's anxiety driven so you want to make everything really chill.
Firstly, clear everything away, as much as possible get things in drawers or too high to reach. The less he can get that he shouldn't the better.
Work on swapping with a low value item like a toy he doesn't play with much, so say an old ball, give him the ball, get a treat and offer the treat while holding your hand for the ball. What should happen is he drops the ball, give him the treat, then hand the ball back. He's learned that nothing bad happens here. He gets the treat AND the ball. Do this 5 times in a row, then leave the ball with him. He's learned here that it's all very chill and you've reduced his anxiety.
As he gets better at this, increase the challenge slowly, maybe a toy he likes a bit better, then better again. At this point you can also start swapping items, so you take a teddy, give him a treat, then give him a ball. If this makes him anxious then slow down, you want it to be really chill for him.
Eventually he'll start giving you stuff just to see what he can get. It's a fun game.
Another exercise you can try if he does get something you don't want him to have is to throw treats away. If he has something you can throw a treat in one place, then another, then another, while he's having a great time, quietly remove whatever he had, he'll probably have forgotten he had it, but make sure it's quickly hidden to help, give him loads of fuss when it's gone for extra memory wiping!
Also make sure he is getting enough exercise and attention, and he's not in pain, these kinds of problems usually start if a dog is feeling crappy for whatever reason.
ive only really had fish but ther enothing close to a buddy like, something like a dog or a cat. pets are also pricey and im allergic to cats and dogs plus my home is kinda messy. i do wish i could get something besides a fish but you know it is what it is....
If you know how to take care of fish, there's some fish that are more personable. I had a Butterkoferi Tilapia at work who was fun, he would play with a ping pong ball, we had a constant fight on how we decorated his tank, I like gravel to be nicely spread out, he liked it all in one corner.
There's things like flowerhorns who like being stroked, or puffers who recognise their owners.
That's it folks. RIF has stopped working....
now that i don't have a reddit account, i guess i can tell you guys about secret communities
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I’m going from Hong Kong to Iceland next month. I’ve read that everything there, including food, are quite expensive. So my wife and I have been researching on how to prepare meal or snack that we can eat during the day instead of going to restaurant....
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It's possible to bathe a newborn kitten with fleas?
Hi, well to start I usually feed any cat that came to my house, and a pregnant cat start coming around 2 months ago but unlike the others cat, she remained on my yard and basically she lives here....
Are any of the DNA testing companies trustworthy?
So obviously we’re all on Lemmy for a complicated combination of reasons, but we all likely share some common ground, namely…...
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My beagle has suddenly started resource guarding random stuff. What should I do to get this behavior to stop?
I’ll start off by saying that he has a bad past life. He was obviously abused by his previous owners and straight up abandoned in the woods. He has bad anxiety that he is on Prozac for, and it seems to be helping for the most part....
What type of piracy do you use the most? (
Personally I use public trackers the most and only recently private trackers for stuff in my native language....
What is the best type of pet to have as a buddy?
ive only really had fish but ther enothing close to a buddy like, something like a dog or a cat. pets are also pricey and im allergic to cats and dogs plus my home is kinda messy. i do wish i could get something besides a fish but you know it is what it is....