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There's videos online of captive tigers doing all those things.

This is my favourite video -

How to pull rocks out of pipe in the ground?

My mom has a hole in the ground that she puts her clothes drying hanger in. Like this. The hole in the ground is a 2" or so pipe, set in concrete. The pipe has filled with gravel. Anyone have a tip on getting the rocks out? I can only get so many out using my fingers and then trying to use a set of chopsticks.


Blue tack and a stick? Like stick the rocks to it then pull out?


I'm wondering if there's a medical condition here. What is happening to need showers between tampons?


I think it's pretty similar to what makes a good person, empathy, kindness, that sort of stuff.

A lot of the monarchs better thought of are the ones who made social reforms, bettering the lives of others much lower down the totem pole.

Like all people, it's kind of impossible to be all good, so even with the good ones there's awful stuff there, but it's all relative.


You need the chlorine, you need to always put the cover on, and you need the net to get the bugs out.

It feels much less luxury when you come out in the morning to a green tub full of flies and spiders.


Mine is Rosie, the maid in the jetsons, cause it's the future and I have a cleaning robot.

What's a proper response to another dog attempting to mount your dog multiple times and the owner really not doing anything about it?

The owner kind of makes a weak attempt to seem like they’re trying, but if I weren’t there, they wouldn’t intervene at all. I’m asking because I want to make sure that I don’t over react next time.


Lot's of comments about dominance. This is an old erronous theory about dog behaviour based on a botched study. Dogs hump for many reasons, sexual is the obvious one, but also being nervous or poorly socialised.

What you should do is stop the behaviour, move your dog or theirs away and tell the owner to come get their dog.

If it happens in certain scenarios you can also stop it before the behaviour, so a common scenario is two dogs are playing, one dog gets overstimulated and then jumps on to hump, in that scenario you'd want to watch for earlier signs of overstimulation, wanting to stop, panting heavily, whale eyes, and stopping the play at that point.


I used to work at a zoo and a lot of the older keepers had a finger or part missing to some animal or another back when health and safety was less, used to be common in factories too, Tony Iommi lost bits in a factory and has spoken about how it wasn't that unusual.


The Hebdo drawing wasn't light hearted fun though, it was right wingers trying to wind up religious people. Obviously there's never any excuse for murder but publicly attacking a whole religion will upset a lot of people, and things can lead on from that.


It's not that simple is it? If you set a church on fire then should you go free because of past issues by the church?

On drawing, should you be able to draw your friends child being shot? Again, these are not issues you should kill for, but you can understand why people are mad.


What a wild false equivelency!

A persons clothing is a personal choice.

Ripping off a strangers clothing in the street is an attack.


They've done many many offensive things. They're an awful publication and it's disgusting that they're allowed to exist.

I'm not sure the rest of France reflects your support as there's been both local and worldwide protests about them over the years.


I think it's important to understand why these people are mad. It's really simplistic to say 'raise better kids', and the point of teaching people not to hurt is a bit tricky when positioned in a world where people are being hurt constantly.

Any good person raised in an environment where their own country is murdering children is going to have questions. You feel helpless when the whole world is comfortable with inhumane torture.

The problem that needs fixing is much much wider.

Devi, (edited )

Does the vatican count? I'd get into the archives and make it my lifes work to find all the secrets.

Plus it's pretty cool there, there's people who do spend their lives there, and always visitors from round the world to hang out with.

Which items/products were you once able to get from local shops on a whim that you now more or less have to order online?

Sometimes I find myself shopping for things that I’d prefer to go out and get within the same day, but now I’d have to order and wait a few days to get…So I’m wondering what some of those things may be for you?


All the little doohickeys that you don't need all the time, like plug converters, extension leads, puncture repair kits, a good range of screws.

Local shops might have something, but never the one you want because it's just not economical to keep a good range in stock.


I'm with the ornithologists. Herpetology is weird.


Small animals is a specialism. Like just animals that are small. Actually, so is exotics! So the same guy is treating parrots, reptiles, and monkeys. That's ridiculous.


There are better ways of containing your dog. Like an actual fence. Don't cause your dog pain for your own convenience. They don't even keep the dog in, a good run up, for example if they are being chased by something, they can be outside before they feel anything and then unable to return home.


I was so confused how a 1 week old had ADHD then.

Don't forget to look after yourself. Babies are hard work.


Some kind of chip or retina scanner that lets you into wherever you want with no hassle. I have keys for home, keys for my car, keys for my parents, a keycard for work, a code for the gym, there's a lot of shit to carry round just so I can go into the places that I'm allowed to go into.


So how about, you go to the future, look up a museum of your time, then just go and be yourself, like the people who do similar in museums now of the past.

Either way though, unless time travel has become widespread in the future, you wouldn't be outed, people would just straight think you're a bit odd. There's people now who straight up claim to be time travellers and we're just like, OK mate, suuuure.

My beagle has suddenly started resource guarding random stuff. What should I do to get this behavior to stop?

I’ll start off by saying that he has a bad past life. He was obviously abused by his previous owners and straight up abandoned in the woods. He has bad anxiety that he is on Prozac for, and it seems to be helping for the most part....


I'm a fosterer with quite a bit of dog training education. I second the advice that you need a good qualified behaviourist, this means degree level study or above.

However, for the meantime, nobody should be taking anything from him by force. This will worsen the behaviour. The things he's taking don't sound like they pose danger to him so take all the urgency out of the response. It's anxiety driven so you want to make everything really chill.

Firstly, clear everything away, as much as possible get things in drawers or too high to reach. The less he can get that he shouldn't the better.

Work on swapping with a low value item like a toy he doesn't play with much, so say an old ball, give him the ball, get a treat and offer the treat while holding your hand for the ball. What should happen is he drops the ball, give him the treat, then hand the ball back. He's learned that nothing bad happens here. He gets the treat AND the ball. Do this 5 times in a row, then leave the ball with him. He's learned here that it's all very chill and you've reduced his anxiety.

As he gets better at this, increase the challenge slowly, maybe a toy he likes a bit better, then better again. At this point you can also start swapping items, so you take a teddy, give him a treat, then give him a ball. If this makes him anxious then slow down, you want it to be really chill for him.

Eventually he'll start giving you stuff just to see what he can get. It's a fun game.

Another exercise you can try if he does get something you don't want him to have is to throw treats away. If he has something you can throw a treat in one place, then another, then another, while he's having a great time, quietly remove whatever he had, he'll probably have forgotten he had it, but make sure it's quickly hidden to help, give him loads of fuss when it's gone for extra memory wiping!

Also make sure he is getting enough exercise and attention, and he's not in pain, these kinds of problems usually start if a dog is feeling crappy for whatever reason.


I taught teenagers for a long while, the things about teenagers that are annoying are also so very relateable. They're full of hormones, incapable of handling their emotions, and way too busy coping with all of that to be in school.

A lot of adults seem to have amnesia about that time but spending time with whole classes of them makes your own experiences of it flood back.

Like when a guy you liked didn't say hi to you in the morning and you had a whole existential crisis that nobody would ever love you, cried in the toilet at lunch time, then decided you were a strong independent woman, got over the whole thing, by the end of the day you were like "screw him, I deserve so much better!" then you saw him leaving school and he was like "Sorry I didn't say hi earlier, I had my headphones in" and it wasn't actually a thing at all? That's basically being a teenager all the time.


It's too busy hunting for ad blockers to do things like actually work properly.

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