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Because in Europe everything is fine, isn’t it? With the new war inflation is skyrocketing and a new interest raise is around the corner. Thank you EU.
Nonsensical accusations can not be elaborated. When real totalitarianism will arrive nobody will listen to their cries of help because they’ve been screaming for decades.
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Very tolerant… shouldn’t we “on the other side” be more democratic? I wish I could move over as you suggested, unfortunately the only option will be passing away because I’m stuck here. I can’t even get a passport because in my country public offices have stopped working.
You don’t seem to know the South of Europe. Or maybe PIGS should not be even labelled Europe because it looks like a different part of the world, nothing of what you mentioned applies. Collective agreements, minimum wages, measurements to stop exploitative job contracts… what is this Soviet Russia?
I wouldn’t be surprised if the EU stands to gain money from this conflict
I think we, as Europeans, missed a chance to help those in need and to stand for the weakest and most defenseless. And I would not be surprised to witness how neighbouring foreign cultures hate us.
You are assuming that inflation will stop, but after the new war oil and gas prices (so energy prices, and therefore the price of any retail good) are increasing dramatically. Another cycle of the depressive spiral is coming for Europe… the only positive aspect I can think of is that this part of the world is responsible for the misery and poverty of other areas of the world (say Africa) so in the end this will be a sort of very much due nemesis. But from here to saying that “everything is going to be alright” sounds like gaslighting.