Cool, I’ll try this next time. So far the least damaging way I’ve tried is putting the thing in hot water. The magnet and the base expand by different amounts and it is relatively easy to pry the magnet off. But the thing cools down quickly so it takes a few tries.
Another such application that I wish had easy implementation for what you call base URLs is Apache Superset. Such a great application that I’m unable to use in my setup.
I stand with you for the subdomain and bare metal thing. There are many great applications that I’m facing trouble implementing since I don’t have control over A domain settings within my setup. Setting is trivial that I have full control over. Docker thing I can understand to some extent but I wish it was as simple as python venv kind of thing.
I’m sure people will come after me saying this or that is very easy but your post proves that I’m not alone. Maybe someone will come to the rescue of us novices too.
I am still figuring it out since it is my hobby and I’m unable to devote much time to it. But I think it will be something like Ubuntu live disks which enabled you to try Ubuntu by running it from a DVD. You could run anything like web server, save files, settings etc. Only they would not persist after a reboot since every thing was saved in RAM. Only here it’ll be a write locked SD card instead of a DVD.
I’m also sure there must be a name for it and step by step tutorial somewhere. If only Google was not so bad these days…
It might not be applicable to you but in many cases single board computers are used where there is minimal changes in files in day to day basis. For example when used for displaying stuff. For such cases, it is useful to know that after installing all the required stuff, the SD card can be turned into read only mode. This prolongs its life exponentially. Temporary files can still be generated in the RAM and if needed, you can push them to an external storage/FTP through a cron job or something. I have built a digital display with weather/photos/news where beyond the initial install, everything is pulled from the internet. I’m working towards implementing what I’ve suggested above.
It definitely is a major consideration, mostly because things work more seamlessly when they belong to the same ecosystem. With my past experience, it is very difficult to switch from one to the other and that is why I’m consciously making an effort to rely more on open hardware/software.
I just want you to consider one more aspect of it. I’ve seen this discussed and backed up with scientific articles but I’m too lazy to find and include them in my post. Basically, all your cravings originate from your gut and your gut is ruled by the bacteria that have made your gut their home over the years. You’ve colonized your gut with a particular set of bacteria by giving them what you eat.
Now, if you change that food pattern, these bacteria, that control the gut, will make your body release chemicals that will make you crave for food that will keep them alive. Realise this and act accordingly. Being conscious about it has helped me overcome many food related ‘addictions’ i had like that of soda, of wafers. I still fall prey when I consume sweets continuously for a few days during festivities. Everytime it is the same struggle against the cravings, but I realise I’m just fighting against the settlers in my gut, brave it for a few days and notice my cravings become dull over time. Probiotics like kimchi, saurkraut, kefir, kombucha etc. help to some extent but ultimately it is more of a mind game.
Make what you will from my advice, but it does work for me. I wish you all the best in your fight against your gut settlers.
I’ve heard good things about H2O AI if you want to self host and tweak the model by uploading documents of your own (so that you get answers based on your dataset). I’m not sure how difficult it is. Maybe someone more knowledgeable will chime in.