Another good tip is to try a positive reminder. So, instead of: “Don’t forget the thing!” you’d rather tell your self: “I will totally take the thing!”
If in a show with 5 main characters 2 of them are gay, then it’s refreshing. ‘They’ were clearly underpresented for way too long. But if it happens in every new show, it is no more than gay washing and overpresenting to me. If this makes me homophobe in your eyes it’s you having a problem, not me.
First off, you’re putting “they” in quotes. That is never a good sign.
It didn’t fell right refering about a group of people as a simple “they”. Too much generealization? Something like that, idk, made me feel to use quotes. I didn’t use them in any ironic way. But I see that it could come off wrong.
Second, if we’re under-represented then what’s the problem with representation all of a sudden?
It’s not about presenting and no, I never said at any point I’d have a problem.
You are not part of the group therefore you have no say.
At this point you are being a clown.
Fourth, it is not “over-representation” to have many shows have gay characters. That’s just called representation. It’s only “over” because it’s “over” the amount of us that you’re okay with seeing.
Because you know me, right? It’s"over" for me, because it feels artificial if it happens in every single show.
Fifth, no. It’s you. You’re a homophobe.
For not sharing the same oppinion as you, I guess.
I’m not a linux power user but have some servers running on linux and honestly wouldn’t change it with anything else, as everything runs smooth and maintainance is easy and straight forward. Even if something gets fucked there is a great online community which helped me out everytime.
That said, and sorry for the long introduction:
I read a lot systemd memes in the last weeks: What is the problem with it and why is it trending now?
Thanks, that means a lot to me. I could have posted the whole comment chain, but am tired to discuss this. Also I didn’t want to point fingers. If OP decided to delete the post they had their reasons, one might be probably the same reasons as I mentioned. But what really stuck was their reddit mod mentality. Again, I don’t want to point fingers but generally point to this kind of bad mod behaviour nobody wants here.
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