Semmelweis was also kind of an asshole and would camp out by hospital sinks and yell at staffers for not washing their hands. He had the right idea, but he also had a shit personality which definitely contributed to the “everyone hated him” thing.
400 iq play is getting to the red pill multiple times and then taking the blue pill once you’re satisfied with your path. Catch me on NG+10 taking the blue pill
Absolutely body language first. It is well established that children can learn and use sign language to communicate long before they can speak. If that doesn’t count as “body language” then I don’t know what does 😉
This “Don’t worry he’s nice” shit is pretty irresponsible imo. Ignoring the fact that animals are still unpredictable regardless of their track record, people can sometimes have real trauma with dogs and letting your dog just trot up to people willy nilly could really upset someone. Also something could happen to the “nice” dog if the person or other animal isn’t nice and frankly the owner of the nice dog would have only themselves to blame.
If you save the receipt you can send it in to your HSA provider and have the expense reimbursed from your HSA. You can do this for many many years after the actual purchase date