I just tested this (for science!) with a 9V battery and an iron nail of roughly nose-ring diameter. Both the nail and the battery get unpleasantly hot after several seconds. I don’t think they’d get hot enough to burn you, though. (Don’t take my word, though, please!) I believe the internal resistance of the battery does also increase with the temperature, so it effectively somewhat self regulates itself.
Common nose ring materials like Titanium and Stainless Steel are 4× and 7× more resistant than iron, which means they should dissipate more power than the nail, and thus get hotter. I was calculating something around 3 milliohms for a titanium 16 gauge 10mm wire, and 0.7 milliohms for an iron wire.
Regardless of material, at 1000 milliohms internal resistance, i think the battery itself is doing most of the heat dissipation. (But also over a much bigger surface area!)
While I agree in principle, when tax dollars go to corporate tax cuts, handouts to failing financial institutions, and billionaire lunatics selling snake-oil space-based internet “solutions”, its easy to get disillusioned about taxes.
We absolutely should be taxed to a high degree, but that money needs to be spent on collective benefits, not private corporate interests.
Probably not. She looks like she weighs at least 200 lbs plus maybe another 40 lbs of armour and weapons. The average person would struggle to support that much weight for any significant duration, let alone…
It’s not even just your medical data. I picked up a prescription for my mother who just had spinal surgery, and they wouldn’t hand over the pain medication without taking down all of my info. I’ve had no issue picking up any of her other prescriptions. Seems the war on drugs is still alive and well.
So Instead, one person picks 1000 apples, gives them all to the property owner, and then receives enough money to buy 50 apples, yet you’d prefer that over having to split the 1000 apples evenly.
I agree, but for a different reason. I had an Aussie friend that said “sus” all the time on IRC, and that was in the 00’s, so it well predates Among Us.