It’s not so much that they cut it in half to 30 minutes, but more that so much of it is copy paste content. Having Anderson .Paak or Feist on is cool, but they got them to record 5 minutes then put that same 5 minutes in what felt like 6 episodes of the season for some reason. So much of it is 2D animated now where it used to have way more actual human interaction. It feels very aged down. Idk, it’s not awful by any means and the inclusionary aspect remains, but it’s not close to the same quality in my view
I had fun with it but it wasn’t even on the level of Fallout 4 imo let alone New Vegas. If you go in at a low price of entry and expect a space combination of Fallout and Skyrim I think you’d enjoy it, but it’s imo a 7/10 type of game
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