I swear 3/4 of the times I use a search engine is just “[random word] etymology”, learning the origin and evolution of words and language is so fascinating.
It’s straying close to Wikipedia, but Wiktionary is a useful resource as well.
That’s for sure one of the bigger constraints possible, and one I’m most familiar with as my first language isn’t English. You can still usually find stuff though, although it might require private torrent trackers or Usenet.
Unless you have a specific constraint not mentioned in your post, it would probably just be a waste of time compared to just downloading an existing rip from a torrent site. Especially considering most stuff on Disney+ is fairly mainstream and should be easy to find.
Trying to rip from Disney rather than finding a source to download it would be more time-consuming and would likely end up with worse quality than what the various scene groups get out.
I’ve replaced the calendar app with Etar, but I have pretty limited requirements for calendar apps. For a gallery app I use this (which is very poorly named): Gallery
That being said, if someone knows of any good FOSS clock apps (which lets you set more than one timer at a time) please let me know.
Why AOSP’s clock, and therefore most apps based on it, only lets you set one timer concurrently is such a frustrating mystery to me. Have these devs never cooked? Have they never steeped tea while doing laundry?? In what world do you code a clock app which can’t have multiple timers?
The FossifyX fork is by naveensingh, who was active in SimpleMobileTools’ development. From what I can tell poking through Github, they might not have as much time to dedicate to the project as the original maintainer.
ZipoApps seems to be a company who buys mobile apps to monetize (or further monetize) them. As per their website, their mission is “to find, evaluate, purchase and grow mobile apps”. I suspect the only growth we’ll see with the Simple Mobile suite is the growth of ad-revenue lining this company’s pockets.