I’m not hear to debate anyone, but if you think it is ok to kill a currently living being to resurrect a dead being, then you are fucked in the head. Tuvok and Neelix died painlessly and unaware in an accident. Tuvix was murdered, and was made fully aware of their fate beforehand, to the point where they even begged to be spared.
They are all characters from the show Suits. I used to be subjected to it by my girlfriend. The whole show is corporate fetishism. It’s like House, but with lawyers. The average episode revolves around characters finding clever ways to fuck over old acquaintances, usually in the course of representing their incredibly shitty clients. Every single characters is an unlikeable arsehole who works from 5am in the morning to 2am the next day and spends the remaining 3 hours of free time drinking whisky in their office and brow-beating their colleagues who are also still in the office in the middle of the night.