They aren’t left. They are paid assets or bots by the global fascist movement. I absolutely refuse to consider them left because their actions benefit the right. Who cares what they say, what do their actions do?
They don’t want free speech they want to force your eyes and ears open, strap you to the chair and shout all the things they wanna say to you 24/7 also you’re not allowed to do anything but agree.
A small alteration would be to swap one of the female heads up top with a male, and go “Man, Chad guy never cries about anything. Is he even human?” You can even swap out Chad with chadette, depending on context.
I watched this for the first time yesterday. Going through DS9 starting from Season 1.
I don’t hate it, but it can be skipped as it has nothing to do with anything after. Actually the more I think about it the less I like it. I do like how the aliens are basically explorers just like Starfleet just different. That’s a spoiler but honestly who cares lol
I’ve seen a bunch of DS9 when it was fresh on TV especially when Worf joined in but there are a lot of missing episodes I haven’t seen yet. So the overall arching plot is known to me.
It’s these weird one off bottle episodes that are new to me.
Deep (
DSC Season 5, LD Season 5, SNW Season 3.... GIVE IT TO ME NOW (
Crystals good, fungus bad (
This is an outrageous demand. (
Opinion: Why do so many young white men in America find fascism ‘cool’? (
Ordinary car crash, Boston, USA, 1938 (
Why? Are we not doing enough? (
I'm in danger. (
"OpenAI Staff Threaten to Quit Unless Board Resigns" (…/openai-staff-walk-protest-sam-altman/
Captain's log... (
Why?? (
The devil's in the House of the Rising Sun (
When you need to retire an old server (
It's my first day, how bad can it be? (
And then make stupid memes (
It was his last wish too. (
How is this not the worst episode of DS9? (