IDK, i feel they’re also missing the point that a lot of these guys are attractive as well and have the personalities for their characters written for them by various people (others have already mentioned that these men are generally all physically healthy, so I won’t expand on that). If I could have an attractive face, and have my personality written by a couple of writers AND have girls read or watch that play out, I bet I or anybody in that scenario would get a bunch of girls. Ultimately, I also feel men working out is one of the simpler ways to appear more attractive, next to dressing well. Being funny or in general, having a very attractive personality is harder to develop when you compare it to working out and dressing well. Of course, dressing well and having a healthy body doesn’t mean you will be attractive to all women, but it betters your chances.
This is actually a good question that people may not read into very well, and the OP probably knows but didn’t indicate: Humans have a circidian rhthym which is a component that indicates when you naturally want to wake up and sleep. Thoughout our lives it changes at different points, but the important point is that for teenagers, they want to be up at night and also wake up later(almost the exact opposite of elderly people).
So trying to make students sleep at 10pm is very difficult vs having school start later to allow classes to better match their sleep cycle.
Someone explain this to me? Hamas is a terrorist group the controls the Palestinians in Gaza. They are not representive of most Palestinians. So this feels like an easy, “yes I condemn Hamas,but also the Palestinian people are being screwed by the Israeli government”
IDK why, but this reads like just about what every generation says about a younger generation: bad decisions, worse with money etc.
Even if Gen z were spending a larger percent of their income on luxury items, I’m certain it pales in comparison so their lower average income and higher average housing costs.
Yeah, maybe left kernal development (like Linus indicated he may have done to various people), maybe that person was traumatized. But alas, there’s no other way to let a human being know they made a mistake without making exaggerated personal attacks.
The other “half” are who I care about. They’re getting killed by Israel non descriminately, while, Hamas( a group Palestinians don’t care for, who has taken control of Gaza by force)ignores their needs.
Not a trump fan, but definitely would love to see an alternate timeline where Biden and Trump are good friends running against each other. I’m imagining both in each other’s campaign videos, because they want to be supportive of each other lol. Sadly that isn’t our universe, not only because of the people involved, but also our political culture just doesn’t encourage that sort of thing.
Nah, my understanding is that many people don’t even want to be police anymore. Many retired and their hire rates are low considering the easy and decent pay.
Health related items are probably one of the few appropriate times to use plastic. I think that’s a pretty common opinion. The medical world uses a lot of plastic to saves lives, compared to cocacola which uses single use plastic to save money and make us unhealthy
-Good year welt leather boots in general last a very long time. I have a pair of chippewa boots that have lasted me since 2016 and they’re still good. Haven’t needed to resole them, they’re very comfortable. I’ve worn them maybe 20-30% of the time(I let them rest at least a day between wears). -Straight razors and DE razors last a very long time, and they can both be significantly cheaper than regular disposable razors and electric shavers. -PIAA silicone windshield wipers (I think many silicone based wipers in general) are as BIFL as can be for windshield wipers. I think I have the same pair on my car from 2016.