Natinal security threat bc the old, orange not-a-billionaire, asshole, with big toddler feelings, need to know who is making fun of him for retribution if he wins reelection
My father brought some Ash he had cut down in the winter a few years back. The trees were growing in MI’s UP and sawed into lumber. An Emerald Ash Borer infestation killed them. After drying, my father inlaw made a table, chairs, and bench from it for his first grandson. Here they are.
I recall going to the UK after brexit, to a house party with family friends. I was hounded with how do you function with only a 2 week holiday. I then shared i had 4 weeks after 5 years. They were so confused that we could function with less than 6 weeks of vacation.
Burn out in the USA is a real thing. Our politicians will never vote for a mandatory vacation for anyone other than them selves
Chicken soup (
It's the perfect size (
Winning is relative (