Pre-emptive caveat: I am fully in favor of electric cars, and will happily switch if I can ever afford to do so.
Yes, most of the parts that are going to wear out on IC cars are motor and transmission parts, and those are complicated and time consuming to fix. In many cases it’s not practical for the end-user to do so anymore. Electric cars OTOH are more likely to have electronics issues, and the batteries are ridiculously expensive to replace when the capacity is reduced below a useful level.So you’re still going to end up with similar maintenance costs over the lifetime of the vehicle, but they’re more likely to be concentrated at one or two irregular points in time rather than small bits of preventive maintenance done at regular intervals.
It’s super-complicated to figure out how much revenue each stream earns musicians, but unless they’re already one of the biggest names in music, it ain’t much. Which means that, either way, pirating the music isn’t harming them to any significant degree, unless everyone was pirating their music, and no one was attending their live performances.
Not everything is relevant. Not everything that is truthful is kind. You seem to have this weird idea that you should prioritize your feelings in all things over your partners feelings, rather than understanding that something simply aren’t a big deal.
I don’t know too many–read: any–marriage and family therapists that would ever suggest you tell your SO every possible thing unless and until it became relevant. There are good reasons that people that practice radical honesty usually don’t have many friends.
have almost always been used by bad actors that ruin it for everyone else.
…So what? You’re suggesting that, because some people misuse a right in an illegal way, that the right should be taken from everyone. It’s the equivalent of saying that because some people use speech to incite violence, the right to free speech should be taken. I completely reject that view.
As others have said, it’s not just men that perceive that negatively; women do also. I can’t recall who said it, but feminism has meant that there are many different ways to be a woman now, but there is still only one socially acceptable way to be a man. The social consequences to men for being emotionally vulnerable can mean the loss of all social connections; I know that I lost about 3/4 of the people I thought were friends when I failed to successfully complete suicide. That creates a very strong disincentive to being vulnerable in the future.
…That is not something that you would ever do. Where are those bullets going when you’re not on-target? Even if you don’t hit an unintended target, that’s wasted ammunition, and you aren’t carrying an infinite amount. Trust me when I say that carrying 6 pistol magazines each loaded with 20 rounds, in addition to a chest carrier with 7 fully loaded M4 magazines starts getting heavy.
I’ve done a little IDPA–and will be doing more–and that kind of shit would get you tossed out of a match IMMEDIATELY. If you spend enough time practicing, you don’t need to do that anyways; part of the air marshal qualification course involves drawing a pistol from concealment, and firing a single shot on target-at 7y-in 1.15 seconds or less. High-level USPSA shooters can complete Bill drills from draw in under 2.
If it wasn’t for the fact that the BATF has decided that simunitions are too dangerous for civilians, you could still do this. There’s a company that produces non-lethal ammunition that can be used in certain models of regular firearms–with modifications–so that you can quite safely shoot someone at near-contact ranges. Obviously your long range accuracy is not great. It will break skin, but so will AirSoft.
I’m very much a proponent of 2A rights. But carrying, by itself, is not going to eliminate fear, and may not even moderate it significantly. And someone that’s disabled may not be able to effectively use a firearm, and they certainly won’t be able to use one effectively with training.
Buying a new car is not better than keeping an old one (
What's a secret that you're keeping from your partner/significant other that you're taking to the grave with you?
It doesn’t have to be anything bad btw
Is there such a thing as too much privacy?
This isn’t meant to start a war in the comments....
Seeing people realize they cant openly criticize a certain group committing genocide or they may lose their jobs (
if youre am*rican its illegal to boycott them.
I'm a trans man. I didn't realize how broken men are (
Nonlethal sporting duelist firing wax bullets, New York, 1909 (
Men want to be sexualized more. They should talk to women about that. (