I’m going to disagree. Water, alone, is about a B+, maybe an A-. If you’ve ever been working out really intensely, to the point where you feel nauseous and could drink a liter of water and still be desperately thirsty, then you’ll understand that you also need to get electrolytes, things like sodium, potassium, and magnesium. The mineral content in plain water is too low for that; a sugar-free (preferably unsweetened) sports drink is going to be better for you than water alone.
Trump is old. Republicans have been stressing how old Biden is–and using his life-long speech impediment as evidence–but Trump trails Biden by only four years of age. They’re both at an age where you start seeing a sharp divergence in cognitive abilities, where some people take a nosedive into dementia and senility, while other people retain their mental faculties while their body fails. Trump seems to be the former.
No doubt. Wanna fight me? (lemm.ee)
If Trump loses in 2024, do you think he'd run in 2028?