The likely hood of the poopkins being dangerous is incredibly low. And after you wash them it drops to almost nonexistent. Most issues with using poop as fertiliser comes from it being incorrectly at the wrong time.
As an asexual male, I totally understand where you are coming from.
I generally don’t talk about anything like that with other men of any stripe. I have a few very understanding female friends who don’t judge and even then when I talk about it, it feels like I’m handing them a burden.
Worked with a couple people over the years who straight out said they are hard to deal with. Had much less problems with them than those who said “they could work with anyone”
All, I’m doing is pointing out the perspective and suggesting OP actually do some introspection on their stance with the understanding they may be wrong.
I wear glasses constantly as my eyes are terrible. You might fishbowl a little when they are new but pain is not right and the number one sign your prescription is wrong.
Run by them and filled by them (
Poompkins. (
well, it makes boom. (
Stereotypes are wrong and bad (
just a b.... (
Priorities (
Boomers be like (
UBI works too (
reverse Indy (