While this is useful, it could be even better! If the AndroidManifest.xml also contained support for Facebook, TikTok and Instagram links it could be set to directly open them instead needing to share it to mpv.
Okay so in reality you don’t complete the entire frame before starting anything else. It may be 90% complete after initial sorting and flipping of pieces, so there are gaps in the border through which you can move finished portions.
Additionally, I would typically keep most of the unsorted pieces outside the frame and then build portions inside the frame.
The “normal” way of starting a puzzle is to start with the edges. You can find the edge pieces easier due to the flat side, which makes it a good place to start when you have many pieces.
You have to spread all the pieces out when you get them out of the box, so it makes sense to separate out the edge pieces while you’re spreading and flipping pieces.
When I had Plex play trailers, it was only ever before movies, with trailers for movies. Seeing it every time you watch an episode of a show is too much.