Are there any recommendations for cold storage? Or are paper wallets enough? I’ve pretty much only ever used Electrum and rarely so and I’m trying to expand my horizons
People were saying the same things about the Beatles as they now say about multitudes of young bands. Now they are old people music and thus “real music”.
I’d argue its in their best interest for it to be as secure and widely used as possible. Can’t have other govs peeking (every lock can be lockpicked yadda yadda) and can’t have people instantly know its the US military when someone accesses Tor.
For a moment I thought it was some weird parody of mobile game ads, but nope, quick look at the viewcount and channel content tells me its just kids content. Jesus
Or they make it like Nicholas Cage’s character in the Willy’s Wonderland, who’s essentially just an invincible player character other characters react to
While you are right, I have met way too many old folks that have the maturity of preteens. Like, I expect preteens to be childish and immature, I don’t expect a man in his 60s to be like them.