This depends on the job and role, I know plenty people who tend to be flung at a project for 6-8 months, then pivoted to another, ad infinitum. For them, changing company etc is only slightly more inconvenient for them and the employer than shifting internally.
For reasons I don’t understand my work asked Craig McLucke to visit us, which he did. As he tells it, Borg was a pre-existing platform, Kubernetes came along as a part of a program to develop a replacement/furtherance of the Borg. The actual code name was Seven of Nine for that reason but legal couldn’t clear it with CBS/Paramount/Viacom in time for distribution.
I'm so confused right now 🤔 (
That is not Miles O’Brien. Am I in a BORG created nightmare? I want back to the 24th century....
If you begin Star Trek: Voyager episode Spirit Folk at exactly 11:49:35 on New Year's Eve, Ensign Harry Kim will kiss a cow as the clock strikes midnight (
Taking for granted (
If X was a sandwich: Spock (
Especially this meme (
What part of this are you not understanding, Beverly? (
Ansible is a tool that allows administrating hundreds or thousands of machines (