Because wget doesn’t use standard output for the downloaded file by default, instead it creates a file with the name in the url in the workingdir. If you want it to use standard output you need -O -
The best model in my opinion is if a municipality lays the fiber, then opens the infrastructure up for renting under FRAND terms to all ISPs. When I say infrastructure here, I mean both the fibers and the associated rack space on the other end of the fibers, including power and cooling.
Regarding the specific questions in your post body; I think you should be fine, because a smaller ISP is not as much of a target for intellectual property enforcement, and they probably won’t have a big compliance team like the big ISPs can afford.
My father just had the electricians pull in Cat 7 Ethernet at a friends place, but they used Cat 6 terminators. After that fiasco we were also discussing if it woulnd’t have been simpler to have them pull fiber and use media converters plus a switch with some SFP+ and SFP slots.