Biggest producer, but it’s largely for internal demand if I’m not mistaken. Besides, if you restricted exports, it would raise prices even more for everyone else
my point was that by that logic (of why didn’t anyone kill Hitler in the past), the past should be perfect (which it isn’t), implying that the past events are done in such a manner that they create the best possible future outcome
I mean, giving it very little thought, if Hitler didn’t win, there were good chances that Germany would turn red, and still good chances it would still be aggressive…
The soldier on the left of the photo is holding an M20 series “Super Bazooka” which fires a 3.5 inch HEAT round, the M28 series , with a setback armed, base detonating fuse....
I’m curious about the possible uses of the hardware Trusted Protection Module for automatic login or transfer encryption. I’m not really looking to solve anything or pry. I’m just curious about the use cases as I’m exploring network attached storage and to a lesser extent self hosting. I see a lot of places where public...
Id love this to be during the Battle of Britain, and the pilot to then say “well mate, those were some nice 10 minutes of rest, time to shoot down some bloody Germans”
So i have my main system, i have been running NixOS on for over a year. It has been a pleasure to daily drive. And ive recently been playing with gentoo and funtoo. And althought alot of information, which is somewhat overwhelming but is slowly growing on me and making me appreatate linux as a whole. So i was wondring what other...
There’s probably some random config file on a forum post 18 years old where half the images don’t load cause the hosting service they used for image went down
I posted this as a comment in another post but when I got done I realized it would probably just be better as its own post. I’m sure I could find the answers I need myself but frankly I trust the userbase here more than most online articles....
Regarding the tools, you must take into consideration the fact that you do not have Microsoft apps on Linux (unless you run them through wine or online, which is not ideal). However there are several alternative tools, either open source (libre office-imperfect compatibility, Onlyoffice desktop-better compatibility, incomplete feature set) or closed source (either WPS office or FreeOffice). PDF is an annoying one as unless you feel comfortable with libreoffice draw or you want to do more basic editing, tools for PDF on Linux are kind of lacking
I got an old Windows 7 laptop that was going to be thrown out and decided to put Linux on it (see previous thread here). Most people suggested I go with the latest stable version of Debian, so that’s what I installed. I’ve mostly used Windows, but I do have some experience with Ubuntu....
To solve number 4, I need to know the desktop environment you went with. Is it Gnome? If so, there’s a tweak (a Gnome extension) that makes the taskbar stay on screen permanently or appear when you hover over it (kinda like MacOS) and then you just right click a program you’re using in there to pin it to the taskbar
É de facto irritante. Nada como estar na escola e um prof pede para ler. Estás calmamente a ler o texto e de repente tens de forçar a porcaria da entoação para sobrecompensar o facto de que não reparaste que era uma pergunta
Watched Louis Rossman today, and he’s part of the team behind a new app for watching online video content - not just youtube, but nebula, peertube, twitch and more....
It’s lonely up at the top. (
Meth Man: Arkham Aslume (
Im mean seriously, Snickers bars dont fluctuate (
9 January 2024 (
Your biggest fans (
Lemmings in school, what are they teaching about drug addiction, fentanyl, and opiods?
With the current problems. And meth?
US soldiers compare "Bazooka" sizes during the Korean War (
The soldier on the left of the photo is holding an M20 series “Super Bazooka” which fires a 3.5 inch HEAT round, the M28 series , with a setback armed, base detonating fuse....
Accessible data (
Is anyone here using their hardware TPM chips for credentials?
I’m curious about the possible uses of the hardware Trusted Protection Module for automatic login or transfer encryption. I’m not really looking to solve anything or pry. I’m just curious about the use cases as I’m exploring network attached storage and to a lesser extent self hosting. I see a lot of places where public...
RAF pilot getting a haircut, WW2, 1942 (
ironic (
Very powerful video card! (
Query about your linux daily drivers?
So i have my main system, i have been running NixOS on for over a year. It has been a pleasure to daily drive. And ive recently been playing with gentoo and funtoo. And althought alot of information, which is somewhat overwhelming but is slowly growing on me and making me appreatate linux as a whole. So i was wondring what other...
They’re in no position to complain (
Need some help with a Kali linux
Yea, I know its the edgy kid distro, just trying some stuff with it on live USB. I’m not doing this on my Debian install to save time...
An Untold History of Thunderbird (
Sell Me on Linux
I posted this as a comment in another post but when I got done I realized it would probably just be better as its own post. I’m sure I could find the answers I need myself but frankly I trust the userbase here more than most online articles....
Newbie with questions about Debian
I got an old Windows 7 laptop that was going to be thrown out and decided to put Linux on it (see previous thread here). Most people suggested I go with the latest stable version of Debian, so that’s what I installed. I’ve mostly used Windows, but I do have some experience with Ubuntu....
¿¿Que?? (
Astronomy go brrrrrrr (
British blacksmith on an anti-slavery patrol boat removing leg irons from a freed slave off the coast of Mozambique, 1907 (
A better Revanced (
Watched Louis Rossman today, and he’s part of the team behind a new app for watching online video content - not just youtube, but nebula, peertube, twitch and more....