I pay for Spotify for 7 years or so now and i'm so sick of all the ads. After every update there seems to be an: oops, sorry, you have ads now. Podcasts are filled with ads. I was just listening to a podcast where they shoved in 3 ads mid-sentence. How long until musicians put ads in their songs. I'm just so sick of it.
I’ve been paying for Spotify for about the same length of time and I still haven’t heard a single ad placed by Spotify since going Premium. Any ads I’ve heard in podcasts are like the sponsored segments on a YouTube video; put there by the people making the podcast, not by Spotify and exist in the podcast no matter what source you got it from.
Could even be their subscription lapsed and they somehow didn’t notice. It has, occasionally, not popped up with the big red banner telling me my payment didn’t go through and I only knew something was wrong because I get ads and can’t play the exact song I want because I was no longer using Premium.